Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mod 4 Reflection/Warm-up Activity

Please respond to the following two prompts to review what you did in Module 4 and to get your brains jumpstarted for tonight ...

1. When it comes to using the Internet in my unit, creating my student sample, and writing my procedures, I have questions about ...

2. How can technology be used most effectively to support and assess student learning?


Brittany said...

1. I have no questions about using the internet for anything. :)
2. First of all, students are very tech savvy. So using a medium that they are comfortable with and use all the time persuades them to participate more fully in the assignments. Using technology allows the students to be creative. When it comes to assessing them, we can actually see how the students are using their brains. If we are only using tests and worksheets and non-technical things, we can only see how well students can regurgitate information.

Unknown said...

I believe technology can be used most efficiently when the user is familer with whatever technology they plan to use. Most of the time it is just a matter of becoming familiar with the technology.

Toni said...

I have questions about assessments for my project. I think that the problem is that I do not expect to meet most of the students except as the audience at the Music Is... concert. I am writing a brochure that includes activities to enable a classroom teacher to teach students about the music before the concert. I have checked out lots of music units online.

Nonna said...

I did this a week ago and to the best of my knowledge, I do not remember having any questions.

We had our students do a power point presentation for a final project. They had to learn to use brief statements to just give information due to limited space. This showed us basic note skills. Some put their information into complete sentences. They learned presentation skills. They learned about citing sources. They learned to search the school's database to find information. They looked for information on the internet with access through the school card catalog. They found pictures for their project on the internet.

JerryB said...

1. I don’t really have any specific questions, but I always wonder if I what I’ve created is has enough detail. Does it cover all of the student’s needs and learning styles?

2. For what I teach, technology is necessary. Students need to become familiar with various technologies to complete the PBL and in a greater sense WBL tasks. They need to be able to use the tools of the industry that they training for.

JerryB said...

1. I don’t really have any specific questions, but I always wonder if I what I’ve created is has enough detail. Does it cover all of the student’s needs and learning styles?

2. For what I teach, technology is necessary. Students need to become familiar with various technologies to complete the PBL and in a greater sense WBL tasks. They need to be able to use the tools of the industry that they training for.

Toni said...

So question 2---Kids are very savvy when it comes to the internet. They can be given a trail and they will follow there. I want them to begin to listen to some music that is out of their usual genre and make a journal entry about that. I want them to think about how the music can affect them and what emotions and mental pictures it evokes.

TAButler said...

1. I have no questions at this time.

2. Student love to use technology in the learning process. It is like they do not associate learning with the use of technology. In a meeting that I had today, one of the teachers made the comment that if we want the students to read a novel, the teacher should text the novel to each student's cell phone. Technoloby can give the students options and allows them to use their own creativity.

edtekker said...

1. I have questions about the student sample. Where do I find samples to look at? Also I am unclear about the number and kind of assessments we need for the project.

2. Technology can be used most effectively when students know how to search, know how to evaluate web sites, know how to type, know how to navigate, know how to cite sources, are basic skills that facilitate the integration of technology. Technology should be used to enhance the students' learning so that they are motivated and engaged to participate in the creation of their project.

srb said...

1. I didn't come across any questions as I implemented the Internet in my unit.

2. There are multiple ways to incorporate technology into learning. It can be a tool for writing, creating projects, research, presentations, and quizes/tests. Students can be assessed by their cretivity and how they use technology in their learning and presentations. Technology allows students of all academic levels to excell in their learning.

TK Rogers said...

April, my questions come from my unfamiliarity with the internet. I am unsure of how to incorporate the internet because I do not feel that 1st Graders have the research/reading capabilities to look things up. What I think I may use in my unit is on Starfall it has a reading passage where they add the color of hair...faces and read the I have red hair.
I think I would like to see how to build and use a Wiki. I think that the students would respond and write me a comment. This would help them find letter/sounds to comlete thier thought.