Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Last Blog

Think back through the Intel course. How, in your opinion, could the course be better organized? What would have helped you understand the scope of the course earlier? Thinking of the course as structured by Intel, what would you change? Omit? Add? Is there anything else you would like to say about the course?


srb said...

I really enjoyed the course and learned a lot. I feel that I didn't get to spend time and learn how to use some of the resources that we were introduced too (recepies for success, etc.). Working collaboratively in this class was very beneficial. I have and will continue to incorporate what I've learned from this course into my teaching. PBL ROCKS!!

Toni said...

The principles of the PBL are strong, but some of the info comes too fast. Then it is not applied immediately and is lost. Use that information in a document right away, and ownership begins.
The Intel course is redundant and sometimes confusing. I think that it assumes that the student is not working on the documents.

Toni said...

I enjoyed the course, and I actually had less frustration than I usually experience when I stretch my technical skills. For me to walk away from a computer based course is nothing new.

Project Based Learning is an idea that needs to be in the curriculum for teachers much earlier. I think that it shold be part of every Master's degree requirements. I wish I had had this same knowledge 30 years ago, even though it woudl have been a paper task.